A “robust and vital” digital infrastructure in the 21st century has been announced by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and continues to be a topic of interest for older adults. This is why the FCC must ensure that the […]
Boomers are re-booting the idea of “age.” Whether being tuned into Internet radio, playing online games, monitoring our parents’ home, or exercising in front of the HDTV, we are capitalizing on the digital life. On January 8, 2011, […]
Mississippi Winn has 54 friends on Facebook. She enjoys all the benefits that having a broadband connection and joining a social network provides: communicating with family and reconnecting with friends. One interesting thing about Mississippi: she’s 113 years old! Yes, Facebook is now an online community of not only the young but also a rapidly growing number of older adults. Today, I’m launching a new effort to promote broadband adoption by the older adult community. Project GOAL (the Project to Get Older Adults Online) will help work with aging organizations to communicate the importance of getting our older community online. It’s clear that having high-speed Internet at home can offer older individuals so many benefits: telemedicine, the convenience and savings of shopping at home, entertainment, health information, and of course social networking! Yet, only 35% of older adults (65 and older) have broadband at home – and the numbers drop considerably in even older age brackets.
The Internet has increasingly become an essential service for individuals of all ages. For kids, teens, adults and older adults, the Internet is an education tool, and offers unlimited information, entertainment, and health services. For our aging population, […]