2/16/21, Broadband Breakfast The COVD-19 pandemic has been an extremely difficult time for everyone and has led to the implementation of major changes in our daily behaviors. In order to overcome this adversity and adapt to living in […]
FOSI Announces 2015 Award Winners Honors Outstanding Achievements in Online Safety On the evening of November 17th, the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) will recognize six individuals, nominated by their peers, the 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award. FOSI convenes […]
Senior citizens’ use of computers and mobile phones might shave 10 years off their mental age, Akshat Rathi
Seniors love technology too, and some companies are starting to notice, Today Money, by Keith Wagstaff,
How tech is helping seniors live at home, not in a home, Venture Beat
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2011 Media Contact: Warren Robinson Phone: 202-572-6214 Project GOAL Distributes New Privacy Recommendations to National Association of Area Agencies on Aging Conference WASHINGTON – Project GOAL (Getting Older Adults Online) today distributed new […]
Teenagers are abandoning blogs, while members of the “G.I. Generation” are flocking to Facebook. These are two of the findings in a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which put out a similar “Generations” […]