Research on Broadband Adoption and Use:
- American’s Internet Access: 2000 – 2015, Pew Research, June 2015
- FCC: Broadband Adoption and Use in America, John B. Horrigan, February 2010
- Barriers to Broadband Adoption, Charles Davidson and Michael Santorelli, October 2009
- National Minority Broadband Adoption: Comparative Trends in Adoption, Acceptance and Use, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, John P Gant, PhD, Nicol E. Turner-Lee, PhD, Yink Li, PhD, Joseph S. Miller, Esq. February 2010.
Research on Broadband Use and Older Adults
- For vast majority of seniors who own one, a smartphone equals ‘freedom’, Pew Research, April 2015
- Older Adults and Technology Use , Pew Research, April 2015
- Internet Use and Depression Among the Elderly, Phoenix Center Chief Economist Dr. George S. Ford, October 15, 2009
- First-time Internet users find boost in brain function after just one week, UCLA Study, October 19, 2009