Project GOAL In The News

Publications Publications

No 'Scam' Dunk: Help Older Adults Avoid Fraud and Scams

Losses due to scams continue to increase with adoption of high-speed internet.

The number of those age 65 and older in the U.S. using the internet has now reached an all-time high of 88% and the aging community is realizing the many benefits that come with the online world. The significant growth in the adoption of broadband has had an incredible impact on the older adult community. 

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Blog Blog

Fraud and Scams Continue to Plague Older Adults

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that consumers continue to lose significant money to scams and fraud. While those 18-59 report a greater number of fraud cases, older adults have more significant financial loss associated with scams.  However, many incidences of fraud are not reported by consumers, and the total cost of fraud to all consumers is far greater than reports indicate.

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