Project GOAL In The News
No 'Scam' Dunk: Help Older Adults Avoid Fraud and Scams
Losses due to scams continue to increase with adoption of high-speed internet.
The number of those age 65 and older in the U.S. using the internet has now reached an all-time high of 88% and the aging community is realizing the many benefits that come with the online world. The significant growth in the adoption of broadband has had an incredible impact on the older adult community.
Moving off the Landline Phone Network for Broadband Access: What Older Adults Need to Know
The copper wire telephone network was the foundation for our communications system. Today, telecommunications carriers across the country are working to modernize the network to improve the way we communicate by moving toward an internet-based network.
Debra Berlyn: The ACP is Critical Aid for Low Income Older Adults
It is downright shocking that millions of low-income older adults will lose their broadband connection due to uncertainty of funding.
It is downright shocking that millions of low-income older adults, members of our one of our most vulnerable communities, will lose their broadband connection due to the uncertainty of funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program. For older adults in financial need, the extension of funding for the ACP is critical.