Goal at the Silvers Summit
Boomers are re-booting the idea of "age." Whether being tuned into Internet radio, playing online games, monitoring our parents' home, or exercising in front of the HDTV, we are capitalizing on the digital life.On January 8, 2011, the Silvers Summit, a showcase for the baby boomer generation, assembled to demonstrate the products and services that will help mature consumers maintain their high quality of life. The 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas featured the conference and played host to panels, presentations, and interactive demonstrations on products and services ranging from a unified health care format to home security, aging with technology and more.The event kicked off with One of America's leading neuroscientists, Dr Gary Small of UCLA, as he revealed the remarkable evolution of the human brain caused by the constant presence of today's technology, mobile devices, and gadgets. Panels included such interesting titles as "What Boomers Buy and Want," which depicted boomers as being at the height of their spending power, to "Gorgeous Gadgets Can Drive you Nuts," which highlighted emerging technologies.The event was widely attended and proved to be a success not only for aging online users, but for an entire generation of us who are finding ways to lead fuller healthier lives virtually.